Photo credit: Hakai Institute
Nov 3 - Nov 4, 2023

4th Annual California Seaweed Festival

4th Annual California Seaweed Festival

When: November 3 - 4, 2023

Where: San Diego CA

November 3rd: SCRIPPS - Institute of Oceanography, San Diego, CA

November 4th: Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier, San Diego, CA

November 5th: Baja California

The California Seaweed Festival is excited to announce that their festival is moving down south! The next festival is being planned. Stay tuned on socials or visit the California Seaweed Festival website for up-to-date information on festival details.

The California Seaweed Festival arose from decades of studying seaweeds, admiring their beauty and learning myriad ways that seaweeds make life better. We want to share the beauty and diversity of seaweeds on our coasts.

About the Festival

The California Seaweed Festival is an in-person family friendly non-profit event celebrating the seaweed diversity of California! The festival will showcase seaweed uses and applications in art, cooking, farming, science, sustainable technology, and conservation. At the all-day events, we have booths, exhibits, workshops, galleries, and hands-on activities to immerse you and your family in seaweed fun and knowledge. We also understand the need to have long-lasting seaweed content. We strive to create seaweed content online for all to enjoy!

Support the GEM Program You can support GEM Program by donating to the Tula Foundation.