Photo credit: Hakai Institute
Nov 5 - Nov 13, 2024

Biodiversity Beyond Boundaries: Mobilizing Data for the Future of our Shared Waters

On March 26, 2024, members of the Northeast Pacific Biodiversity Action Network, the Kelp Node, and partnering institutions held a webinar involving multiple communities in the Salish Sea to discuss the topic of biodiversity data mobilization. The goal was to draw on the diverse perspectives of those involved to plan a future series of webinars aimed at improved biodiversity research and conservation in the region.

Biodiversity Beyond Boundaries: Mobilizing Data for the Future of our Shared Waters
Data cycle diagram and core areas of interest from the March co-development workshop.

This initial planning webinar was well attended, with 44 participants representing a fair balance of perspectives across governments (Indigenous and non-Indigenous), state agencies, academics, and the nonprofit sector. Informed by outcomes from this event, the organizing committee is now planning a series of three webinars to build capacity for the mobilization of biodiversity data by sharing case studies, best practices, and protocols.

Communities throughout the Salish Sea (and beyond!) are invited to join for the series: Biodiversity Beyond Boundaries: Mobilizing Data for the Future of our Shared Waters. The webinars will take place on Nov 5th, 8th, and 13th.

Register Now and Save the Date! Details to be announced soon!

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