Seagrass with drone
Photo credit: Luba Reshitnyk, Hakai Institute
Apr 18 - Apr 20, 2024

Pacific Estuarine Research Society (PERS) Annual Meeting


The Pacific Estuarine Research Society (PERS) Annual Meeting will be held from April 18th - 20th, 2024 in Nanaimo, BC. More details to come! Visit the PERS website.

About PERS:

PERS is a non-profit organization with a wide ranging membership from academic and research institutions, federal and state agencies, and commercial and nonprofit organizations. The purpose of the society is to bring together persons actively engaged in estuarine and coastal research and management on the Pacific Coast of North America for informal discussion and exchange of ideas for educational purposes. PERS holds an annual meeting in the spring, which usually commence with a special session or symposium to focus upon issues of a topical or regional nature. PERS also publishes a newsletter 2-4 times per year.

For more information, visit the PERS website.

Support the GEM Program You can support GEM Program by donating to the Tula Foundation.