Seagrass transet
Photo credit: Markus Thompson
Oct 10 - Oct 11, 2023

Restoration Conference 2023

Restoration Conference 2023: Working Together to Build an Indigenous Led Restoration Vision will be held October 10-11, 2023 in Vancouver, BC. For more information, please visit the Restoration Conference website.

Restoration Conference 2023

When: October 10 - 11, 2023, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Where: Simon Fraser University (SFU) Harbour Centre, Vancouver, BC

What: Join key leaders from across BC and Canada to discuss the strategic advancement of both ecological restoration and the restoration economy.

  • Focuses on advancing ecological restoration, responsible economic development, and reconciliation throughout British Columbia (BC).

  • Brings together Indigenous leaders, industry experts, government representatives, academics, community officials, and the charitable sector from BC and across North America.

  • Specifically designed with First Nations participation and leadership to ensure that traditional knowledge and Indigenous rights are integrated into the new restoration economy and the watershed restoration vision for BC

Support the GEM Program You can support GEM Program by donating to the Tula Foundation.