Granular claw crab
Granular claw crab. Photo credit: Josh Silberg

PRIMED Network

Adapted from the PRIMED website.

The mission of the Primary Responders in Marine Emergent Disease (PRIMED) Network is to detect, monitor and effectively respond to marine wildlife disease emergencies in a changing ocean. PRIMED is an interdisciplinary group of scientists, resource managers, educators, and community members with broad expertise in many fields including disease dynamics, ecology, and natural resource management. With boots in the tide pools and fins in the water, we are PRIMED for the future.

The surprise of Sea Star Wasting Disease (SSWD) brought to light the need for connection and communication to detect and respond to marine disease outbreaks. The PRIMED network aims to bridge that gap, bringing together as many interested parties as possible to detect, alert, and mobilize in response to future marine disease outbreaks.

~ Alyssa Gehman, Hakai Institute Research Scientist and Adjunct Professor at UBC Biodiversity Research Centre

For more information visit the PRIMED website. To report the health status of marine wildlife on the Pacific Coast of North America, submit your observations to the iNaturalist Marine Wildlife Health Project.

Support the GEM Program You can support GEM Program by donating to the Tula Foundation.